What is the use of Low Pressure Vacuum Chamber? What is the low pressure test
The temperature low pressure test is the test sample into the Low Pressure Vacuum Chamber, and then the air pressure inside the chamber will be reduced to the value specified in the relevant standards, and maintain the test for a specified period of time. Its purpose is mainly used to determine the components, equipment or other products in the storage, transportation and use of low-pressure environment adaptability. The test applies to the product in the cargo hold of the aircraft air transport, the product used on the plateau and air transport products in the case of aircraft injuries occurred after a rapid drop in pressure.
The purpose of the low-pressure test is to test the performance of the product in use in a low-pressure environment and the impact of rapid pressure drop on the performance of the product. In the test application is usually distinguished into transport test and operational test environment test, transport environment is usually low temperature accompanied by decompression as the verification conditions, and the operational environment is high / low temperature accompanied by decompression as the verification conditions.
-huanyi instrument Low Pressure Vacuum Chamber product information