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You are here: Home > Technical Literature > What equipment is the microbial bacteria aerosol cabin?

What equipment is the microbial bacteria aerosol cabin?

Date: Mar 23,2022 Views: 270

The bacterial aerosol cabin is an experimental device used to test the living humidity and temperature of bacteria and the maximum humidity temperature that can be tolerated. Because the temperature and humidity required by different bacteria are quite different, therefore, the temperature and humidity regulation energy-saving system is one of the essential functions of the bacterial aerosol cabin.


This standard specifies the raw material requirements, technical requirements, inspection methods, usage methods, label instructions and precautions for disinfectants used for indoor air disinfection. This standard applies to indoor air disinfectants whose main purpose is to kill microorganisms in the air and can meet the disinfection requirements.


Related parameters:


1. Temperature range: 23℃±2℃, adjustable


2. Humidity range: 50%±10%R, adjustable


3. Temperature fluctuation: ≤±0.5℃


4. Uniformity: temperature ≤1℃; (no load)


5. Relative humidity fluctuation: ±2%


6. Features of microbial bacteria aerosol cabin:


7. Model: HYKJ (including 1m, 3m, 20m, 30m and other models)


Features of microbial bacteria aerosol cabin:


It solves the problem of inconvenience that bacteria are easily accumulated on the inner wall of the aerosol when the existing bacteria aerosol cabin with a temperature and humidity control energy-saving system is used, and a cleaning device is provided to facilitate efficient cleaning and disinfection of the surrounding of the aerosol chamber. It is convenient for the long-term and efficient use of the aerosol chamber, the device is simple in operation, simple in structure, high in cleaning efficiency, improves work efficiency, and is convenient for people to use.

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