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What are the main contents of the new national standard for air purifiers?

Date: Jul 11,2020 Views: 561

Today, when the smog is serious, many families have chosen air purifiers to purify the family space. With the comprehensive development of China's air purifier industry, the industry standards for air purifiers are constantly being improved, January 17 Among the new national standards for air purifiers that have begun to be implemented, there are already many air purifier brand manufacturers such as Midea, Xidianis, Haier and other first to implement the production requirements of the new national standard indicators. What are the main contents of the new national standard for air purifiers? What about? The editor comes down to give everyone one by one answers.

What are the main contents of the new national standard for air purifiers?

The first important point: CADR

New national standard definition: CADR refers to the amount of clean air, which refers to the total amount of clean air output after being filtered by the purifier per unit time, the unit is m³/h, including particulate matter CADR and formaldehyde CADR.

New national standard analysis: The volume of clean air produced in 1 hour mainly measures the purification efficiency of the air purifier. If the CADR of the particulate matter is 500m³/h, it means that the air purifier is used to purify the particulate matter in 1 hour, which can purify 500 cubic meters of particulate matter. Similarly, if the formaldehyde CADR is 200m³/h, it means that the air purifier is used to purify the formaldehyde in 1 hour, which can purify 200 cubic meters of formaldehyde.

The second important point: CCM

New national standard definition: when the CADR value is reduced to 50%, the total weight of the accumulated purification pollutants (particulate matter or formaldehyde), in mg. Among them, the particulate matter CCM is represented by P, which is divided into four levels, from low to high are P1, P2, P3, P4, and the total weight of the corresponding cleaned particulate matter is 3000-5000mg, 5000-8000mg, 8000-12000mg, 12000mg or more , The highest level is P4. Formaldehyde CCM is denoted by F, which is also divided into four levels, from low to high, respectively F1, F2, F3, F4, the corresponding total weight of purified formaldehyde is 300-600mg, 600-1000mg, 1000-1500mg, 1500mg or more, The highest level is F4.

Analysis of the new national standard: CCM stands for pollutant purification ability. Only a high CADR does not mean that the air purifier is effective. Only when the CCM is also high can we prove that this air purifier has not only fast purification efficiency, but also purification ability. The stronger, the longer the service life of the filter. Of course, there are two other factors to consider, noise and energy efficiency.

The third important point: noise

New national standard definition: when the air purifier reaches the maximum CADR value, the corresponding sound volume is generated. The new national standard stipulates that when CADR150m³/h, the machine noise should be 55dB; when 150<CADR300m³/h, the machine noise should be 61dB; when 300h, the machine noise should be 66dB; when CADR> At 450m³/h, the machine noise should be 70dB (the sound of the vacuum cleaner working). Only a few brands such as Xidianisi and Airpal Aibaole not only achieve this level of CCM, but also have a CADR of 550m³/h, but I believe that with the further penetration of the new national standard, more companies will stand out.

Interpretation of the new national standard: The CADR value is getting higher and higher, the fan inside the machine must increase the speed, so the noise will increase accordingly. A truly effective air purifier must not only purify the efficiency and ability, but also lower the noise. it is good. On September 15, 2015, the national standard GB/T18801-2015 "Air Purifier" was officially announced.

The fourth important point: look at the energy efficiency level, the higher the value, the more power saving!

Definition of purification energy efficiency: The ratio of CADR clean air volume to rated power is divided into particulate matter purification energy efficiency and formaldehyde purification energy efficiency. When the particle purification energy efficiency value reaches 2, it is a qualified level at this time, when the ratio reaches 5, it is a high-efficiency level; for formaldehyde purification energy efficiency, when the ratio reaches 0.5, it is a qualified level, when the ratio reaches 1, it is efficient level.

Interpretation of the new national standard: an air purifier must not only be effective, but also energy saving.

to sum up:

A high-quality air purifier should have high CADR value + high CCM value + high purification energy efficiency + low noise. Only one strong is not strong, "three high and one low" is strong! At present, there are not many brands that meet the new national standard, and brands that can reach the P4 and F4 levels are rare.

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