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The secrets of Xenon Weathering Test Chamber

Date: Dec 26,2019 Views: 606

1.The Xenon Weathering Test Chamber can simulate the environmental conditions such as light, morning dew, and limited use. It can be used for anti-aging experiments in industrial coatings, plastics, aluminum panels, paints, and tempered laminated glass for small cars.

2.Technical Parameters:

Studio size: 950×950×900 mm (D×W×H)

Temperature range: 40-120 , test temperature: 40-110

Humidity range: light humidity: 10% R.H. 75% R.H

           dark humidity: 10% R.H. 98% R.H

Xenon lamp power: 6KW (water-cooled full solar spectrum long-arc xenon lamp) Service life:> 1000 hours (Aojia)

Xenon lamp radiation intensity: meet 340 nm, 0.50W / M2

3.Precautions for equipment during operation:

a. When operating the Xenon Weathering Test Chamber, please do not change the set parameter values at will to avoid affecting the control accuracy of the equipment.

b. Pay attention to the test water level and replenish the water in time to prevent the humidifier from burning dry and causing failure.

c. If there is abnormal condition or burnt smell in the laboratory, stop using it and check immediately.

d. Wear heat-resistant gloves when removing items during the test procedure.

e. When the Xenon Weathering Test Chamber is running, do not open the electrical control box to prevent dust or electric shock.

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