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You are here: Home > Technical Literature > The battery thermal shock cycle test chamber is used for high and low temperature shock test of lithium battery of electric bicycle

The battery thermal shock cycle test chamber is used for high and low temperature shock test of lithium battery of electric bicycle

Date: Jul 08,2022 Views: 331

The battery thermal shock cycle test chamber. Electric bicycles have become our daily travel tools. When electric bicycles are used in an environment with large temperature changes, they are likely to fail. Therefore, electric bicycle lithium batteries need to be subjected to high and low temperature impact tests. Let's take a look.


High and low temperature impact test of electric bicycle lithium battery:

Test equipment: rapid temperature change test chamber(also called a battery thermal shock cycle test chamber) (temperature rise and fall rate 5/min), as shown in the figure below

Equipment Model: Huanyi Instrument HTQT-5SL


Experiment method:

Before the safety test, all battery packs shall be charged according to the following methods, and shall be put on hold for 0.5 h to 1 h after charging, and the test shall be carried out within 24 h.

Charging requirements: Charge at 0.4I(A) in an environment with a temperature of 23℃±2. When the terminal voltage of the battery pack reaches the charging limit voltage, change to constant voltage charging until the charging current is less than or equal to 0.04I(A), and the longest time is not more than 8h, and then stop charging.


Place the battery pack in an environment with a temperature of 72℃±2for 4 h, then cool down to 20℃±2within 30 min and keep it at a constant temperature for 2 h, and then cool it down to -20℃±2within 30 min and keep it at a constant temperature 4 h, and finally the temperature was raised to 20℃±2within 30 min and kept at a constant temperature for 2 h, and the above steps were repeated 4 times.


After 5 high and low temperature shock cycles, the battery pack was placed in an environment with a temperature of 20℃±5for 7 days, and the visual inspection was carried out.


In terms of test equipment, you can use a rapid temperature change test chamber (also called a battery thermal shock cycle test chamber) to conduct product selection tests at a rate that meets the temperature rise and fall.


The above is the method of high and low temperature impact test of electric bicycle lithium battery in the battery thermal shock cycle test chamber. If you have any questions about testing or product selection, you can visit the official website of "Huanyi Instrument" and consult our technical staff.

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