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Test Methods for DIN50017 Condensation Artificial Climate Chamber

Date: May 27,2024 Views: 93

Test Methods for DIN50017 Condensation Artificial Climate Chamber

1. Description of condensation artificial climate chamber

The DIN50017 condensation artificial climate chamber has been designed in accordance with the test requirements of the DIN50017 standard. This stipulates that the artificial climate chamber can be used to test products under two test conditions: constant climate (KK) and alternating climate (KFW, KTW).

(1) Test equipment of condensation artificial climate chamber

Huanyi instrument condensate artificial climate chamber

(2) Based on the standard of condensation artificial climate chamber


(3) Test method

*Constant climate (KK) test:

The sample must be tested under 40±3℃, with 100% saturated humidity, and from heating to the end of the load climate test until the surface of the sample is condensed.

* Alternating climate (KFW, KTW) test:

a.KFW: The sample must be tested at 40±3℃. It must be kept under 100% saturated humidity for 8h. It must be heated until the end of the load climate test, until the sample surface condensation. Once condensation has occurred, the temperature is lowered to 18-28°C, the humidity is maintained below 100% and the test is run for 16 hours. Please note that this test requires the test chamber to be opened or ventilated.

b.KTW: The sample must be tested at 40±3℃. The sample must be in a 100% saturated humidity environment for 8h. The sample must be heated until the end of the load climate test, until condensation forms on the sample surface. Once condensation has occurred, the temperature is adjusted to 18 to 28 degrees Celsius and humidity is maintained at 100% for a period of 16 hours. The sub-test is then initiated, with the test box door closed, and the temperature is changed.

The above is the DIN50017 condensation artificial climate chamber test method. Should you have any questions, please visit the “Huanyi instrument" official website or consult the relevant technical personnel.

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