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Test items of multifunctional climate environment chamber for the whole vehicle

Date: May 07,2024 Views: 110

Test items of multi-functional climate environment chamber for the whole vehicle

Automobiles have become an indispensable part of people's lives, and in order to improve the performance and requirements of automobiles in all aspects, China has updated stricter standards. Each automobile manufacturer must carry out the test of each performance index in the product development. Vehicle multi-function climate environment chamber for automobile manufacturers to provide the environment for this performance test.

The following test items can be used in "Huanyi Instruments" Multi-functional Climate Environment Chamber for the whole vehicle:

1. Automotive airbag test

Temperature vibration test, humidity cycle test, temperature impact test test purpose: to accelerate aging, so as to examine the unique life cycle of automotive airbags.

2. Windscreen washer system test

Low-temperature exposure test, high-temperature exposure test Purpose of the test: to test the physical strength of the device, and to examine whether the windscreen washer system will have leakage or pipeline disconnection after exposure to ambient temperature.

3. Brake hose assembly
Tests: Low temperature test, salt spray test, air pressure test
Purpose of test: To examine burst strength and corrosion resistance.

4. Vehicle testing

Temperature and humidity test, vehicle emission test, cold start test

Purpose of the test: to test the whole car by the external stress effects

In addition to the above test items, there are many other tests that require the vehicle's multi-functional climate environment chamber, such as rain, light, etc. It provides controllable temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and other environmental parameters to simulate the real driving environment under different climatic conditions.

For more information about the Multi-functional Vehicle Climate Chamber, please visit the official website of Huanyi Instruments and consult the relevant technical staff.

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