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Standard for reference values of high and low temperature detection test chambers

Date: Jan 29,2023 Views: 252

High and low temperature detection test chamber is a kind of testing equipment, the results of the test can be used for scientific research as a kind of product quality certification and identification, then the test chamber itself commonly used to verify the measurement of experimental instruments? What does the code say about this?


1, temperature testing instrument: the use of platinum thermal resistance, thermocouple or other temperature sensor groups of temperature measuring instrument, the system accuracy is ±0.2, the control board of the thermal steady-state value does not exceed 20s;


2, environmental humidity detection equipment: the use of platinum thermal resistance, thermocouple or other temperature sensors composed of dry zone ball air, relative humidity testing instrument, dry humidity measuring instrument accuracy of ±0.1;


3, wind testing instrument: the use of hot ball or hot wire type wind speed and direction instrument or similar testing instrument, induction coil quantity should not exceed 0.05m/s;


4. Total number and position of control points measured:


A. Set the upper, middle and lower levels in the room on the working of the measured height and low temperature test chamber. The spacing between the upper level and the studio wall is 1/10 of the height of the studio. The management chooses point O according to the studio graphics, and the next layer is 10mm above the bottom sample shelf;


b, temperature measurement with O, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, U expression;


C. The precise measurement of the reference point of air relative humidity is expressed by Oh, Db, Hh and Lh.


If the measured high and low temperature test chamber work, the basic parameters of indoor space design do not meet the requirements of the relativity standard, and is related to the position of the datum point accurate measurement, can be appropriately relaxed in the standard of 1/10 interval, but should be given in the metrological verification report, when the working volume exceeds 50 meters 3, The total number of accurate temperature measurement points and ambient humidity measurements can be increased appropriately.


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