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Restriction of salt spray test standard on preparation method of salt spray test solution

Date: Apr 02,2021 Views: 362

Salt spray test is a kind of environmental test which mainly uses the artificial simulated salt spray environmental conditions created by the salt spray test equipment to assess the corrosion resistance of products or metal materials. It can be divided into two categories, one is natural environment exposure test, the other is artificial accelerated simulated salt spray environment test. Artificial simulated salt spray environment test is a kind of test equipment with a certain volume space salt spray test chamber. In its volume space, artificial method is used to create a salt spray environment to assess the quality of salt spray corrosion resistance of products. Compared with the natural environment, the salt concentration of chloride in the salt spray environment is lower. The results show that the exposure time of the product in the natural salt fog environment can be greatly shortened by several times as long as the exposure time of the product in the natural salt fog environment is 24 hours.

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