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Function and structure of three comprehensive test box  

Date: Jan 11,2021 Views: 452

Three comprehensive test box function

Removable USB smart stick storage allows users to easily access data, programs, alarms, and index functions.

A comprehensive test environment that simulates three environmental factors in the same cabinet.Three comprehensive test box

Flexibility-The test box can be matched with the user's existing vibration equipment, or it can be equipped with a new vibration device.

Multifunctional-can be used as a separate temperature/humidity test box to maximize your return on investment.

High performance, fast temperature change rate, can carry out accelerated stress test of products.

User-friendly control design, convenient to use with other users' equipment.

The refrigeration system is newly designed to protect the compressor and ensure the refrigeration performance of the test chamber during operation.

At the same time, refrigeration has low energy consumption and saves costs.

Humidity water filtration system removes impurities and protects the test chamber.

The imported three comprehensive test box is composed of the following parts: test box body, motion connection system, control system, refrigeration/dehumidification system, heating/humidification system, air duct system, etc.

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