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Design requirements for high and low temperature, high altitude and low pressure test chambers

Date: Nov 18,2022 Views: 280

Design requirements for high and low temperature, high altitude and low pressure test chambers


High and low temperature, high altitude and low pressure test chamber, in the design of the time, need to be in accordance with the "GB / T 10590-2006 high and low temperature / low pressure test chamber technical conditions" requirements to design, this is the standard test chamber design requirements, the following, we take a look, for the design of high and low temperature, high altitude and low pressure test chamber, what are the performance indicators.


The design of the high and low temperature, high altitude and low air pressure test chamber, respectively, from: temperature level, temperature deviation, temperature gradient, temperature fluctuation and other 10 aspects to design, its design indicators are shown below.



a. The temperature deviation can be relaxed if the air pressure is lower than 10 kPa for low temperature hypobaric test or lower than 4 kPa for high temperature hypobaric test.


b. The manufacturer shall specify the fastest heating up time and cooling down time in the technical documentation of the product.


c. The manufacturer shall specify the adjustable range of wind speed in the product technical documentation.


The design of high and low temperature high altitude low pressure test chamber, to find a qualified manufacturer to design, in the design, the ring instrument has a wealth of experience, if this demand, consult our technical staff.

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