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Composite Salt Spray Test Chamber for Power Battery

Date: May 18,2024 Views: 210

Composite Salt Spray Test Chamber for Power Battery

1. Product description of composite salt spray test chamber :

Composite salt spray test chamber is to accelerate the corrosion test close to the actual natural conditions, to simulate the natural environment more often encountered in the situation: such as salt spray, hot air drying, humidity, low temperature, etc. to combine and can be any order of the cycle and carry out the test, and its main test products are for the use of intense changes in the environment of the goods, such as: automotive parts, aerospace equipment, construction materials, coated film, electrical appliances, electrical machinery, etc.. etc..

2. Test standard design and manufacture :

1) GB/T10587-2006 "Salt spray test chamber technical conditions";
2) GB/T2423.17-2008/IEC 60068-2-11-1981 "Salt spray test method";
3) GB/T10125-2012/ISO 9227-2006 Salt spray test methods;
4) GB/T5170.8-2008 "Test methods for environmental test equipment for electrical and electronic products-Salt spray test equipment";
5) GB/T 31467.3-2015 Lithium-ion Battery Packs and Systems for Electric Vehicles Part 3: Requirements and Test Methods.

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