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Calibration of 3 cubic meter sensor calibration chamber range

Date: Dec 05,2022 Views: 275

The calibration of the range of the 3 m3 sensor calibration chamber can be quite easy or very complex, depending on the type and the concentration range of the gas. As a rule, an equilibrium mixture of the target gas and the background ambient gas is the best calibration gas in order to achieve a satisfactory accuracy. In the following, I would like to give a brief introduction to the calibration of the 3 cubic meter sensor calibration chamber range.


Test equipment: 3 cubic meter sensor calibration chamber

Test product: Sensor


The method of calibration of sensor calibration chamber range.


1. Pre-mixed calibration gas method

The sensor is calibrated so that the high pressure gas flows from a high pressure cylinder, which in operation reduces the high pressure in the cylinder by only a few psi, while providing a quantitative amount of gas through the flow restriction orifice. The flow rate is typically in the range of 600-1000 cc/min.


2. Osmotic device method

A permeation device is a sealed container containing a chemical compound in gas-liquid phase equilibrium. Gas molecules permeate through the rim or top of the permeation vessel. The permeation rate is stable over a long period of time. A constant calibration gas is formed by mixing with the permeating chemical and the permeation rate is known when the temperature is given.


3. Cross-calibration method

Using the cross-calibration method, mainly each sensor suffers from the interference of other gases. For example, to calibrate ethane gas at 100% LEL, the actual ethane gas is usually replaced by methane gas at 50% ELE. This is because ethane is liquid at room temperature with a low vapor pressure. Therefore it is difficult to use the exact gas mixture and keep it at a high pressure.


4. Gas mixing method

Not all calibration gases are available. Even if it is available, it is possible that the calibration gas is not available at a certain concentration or at a fixed background gas mixture. However, many gas mixtures can be calibrated by dilution for gas monitors with low concentration ranges.


The above 4 sensor calibration chamber range calibration methods are commonly used on the real experimental calibration methods, due to the limited space, I will not expand the elaboration, if you need to know, you can directly consult our technical staff.

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