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Air purifier performance test chamber to meet the criteria

Date: May 14,2024 Views: 115
Air purifier performance test chamber to meet the criteria
In the test of air purifier, need to carry out a variety of tests, which is inevitable, the use of air purifier performance test chamber to detect the performance of the air purifier, these properties are also the air purifier work in the performance of the air purifier, let's take a look at the following, the air purifier performance test chamber, can meet the air purifier which test standards.
Air purifier performance test chamber to meet the standards:
1, "Air purifier" GB / T 18801-2002, GB / T 18801-2008: provides for the form of air purifiers, basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, test rules, signs, packaging and storage, as well as applicable to household, public places, the use of performance, technical indicators.
2, "The safety of household and similar electrical appliances air purifier special requirements" GB 4706,45-2008: the air purifier electrical safety indicators for strict requirements.
3, GB21551.2-2010 "Household and similar appliances for antibacterial, bacterial removal, purification function of antibacterial materials of special requirements" clearly stipulates that: air purifiers of anti-bacterial / mould materials of antibacterial rate greater than or equal to 90%, anti-mould materials of mould grade 1 or 0, also requires that the purification of air purifiers of purification materials should be able to be replaced or regenerated, the purification device can be cleaned and disinfected.
4, GB21551.3-2010 "Household and similar appliances antibacterial, bacterial removal, purification function of air purifiers special requirements" provides that: in the simulation of the field and the field test conditions run for 1 hour, the air purifier antibacterial (bacterial removal) rate is greater than or equal to 50%.
5, "Air purifier pollutant purification performance determination" JG / T 294-2010: since August 1, 2011 onwards, including not only the detection of particulate pollutants but also organic chemical pollutants in the air and biological pollutants in the purification efficiency of the test.
6, "Air purifier environmental certification rules": officially released on December 21, 2011, consumers concerned about the purification function, purification efficiency, purification materials, life and safety, such as strict assessment and certification, and marking and description.
7, "Air purifier to remove particulate matter PM2.5 test method technical specifications" GSH / J2011-1 implemented in January 2012, for the air purifier R & D, production and sales of air purifiers for air purifier performance testing and performance evaluation of reference documents, but also as a relevant laboratory air purifier purification performance testing reference.
The above standards, is about air purifier performance test chamber to meet the standards, for more information, you can write to me privately, or leave a message below.

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